SANA AIRDP, fabrication française
SANA, purificateur d'air

With SANA, I embrace a reassuring and aesthetically pleasing quality approach that provides my clients and colleagues with a sense of security and well-being.

SANA disinfects, purifies, and deodorizes 300m3 of indoor air in one hour.

SANA is the first high-performance connected French device to be certified.

Mokup de l'application de controle du SANA300PRO

SANA is the first professional air disinfection system certified by the leading laboratories.

Présentation Sana

SANA was developed by the company AirDP, based in Biarritz.

SANA is an ultra-efficient mobile unit for disinfecting, purifying, and deodorizing indoor air.

Logo VirexpR

SANA’s performance has been tested and certified by the VIREXPR virology laboratory in Lyon. This independent laboratory is globally recognized for its expertise.

In addition to laboratory tests, SANA has been approved in real-life situations in about thirty pilot locations: fitness rooms, showrooms, boutiques, law offices, notary offices, medical offices, waiting rooms, meeting rooms, restaurants. This testing phase allowed for the optimization of the smartphone application, providing flawless ease of use.

Fabrication française


Installation and immediate use

Connected monitoring



Delivery in mainland France

2 years of on-site service
by an AirDP technician

Smartphone/Tablet application
for monitoring and control


SANA purifies, disinfects, and deodorizes 300m³ in 1 hour.

Certified effectiveness: Covid, Bronchiolitis, Influenza, …


from €89 excluding tax / month

€4350 excluding tax


Mokup de l'application de controle du SANA300PRO

Rent or buy your SANA®300 PRO

SANA disinfects, purifies, and deodorizes the indoor air you breathe.

Provide your clients and colleagues with a disinfected and deodorized environment.

Choose between purchase or rental. The 5-year warranty is valid for both options.

Buy the SANA

I am buying the SANA at a value of €4350 excluding tax.

I pay 25% upon ordering, including installation fees, delivery, training, and the 5-year warranty. I commit to paying the balance upon delivery of the equipment.

Buy the SANA

Rent the SANA

I choose my rental duration (maintenance and warranty included), ranging from 24 months to 60 months, for a SANA valued at €4350 excluding tax.

The rental offer is managed by our partner GRENKE SOLUTIONS.

Rent the SANA

Air Disinfector and Purifier

Indoor air quality has become a real issue for public authorities in recent years. According to the WHO, indoor air pollution is considered a “major risk factor” since it accounts for 70% of deaths worldwide.

Similarly, the WHO estimates that 84% of Europeans living in cities are exposed to levels of particulate pollution higher than recommended.

The quality of the air inside our workplaces and homes has a significant impact on the prevalence of cardiorespiratory, brain diseases and certain cancers.

Today, indoor air is considered to be more polluted than outdoor air, which represents a major health, environmental, and socio-economic challenge.

SANA is part of a responsible approach and offers an effective air disinfector and purifier against the 3 main viruses present each year in our environments: influenza, bronchiolitis, COVID and its variants.

Its technology also acts on airborne nanoparticles, which are harmful to our health without us being aware of it, since all of these pathogens are odorless and invisible, therefore undetectable by humans.

In summary, SANA was born from the desire to deploy an air disinfection and purification technology for the benefit of children, vulnerable or even healthy adults, and thus be a player in public health prevention.

Why disinfecting the air is more important than purifying it.

While many devices on the market circulate air through filters and concentrate viruses within them, risking contamination to those who handle them, SANA disinfects the air from present viruses thanks to its 4 UV-C radiation lamps (6.6 W per lamp).

The app to connect to your SANA, air disinfector and purifier,

It allows you to:

  • view in real-time the quality of the air around you: CO2 and VOCs
  • manually control your SANA: duration and intensity
  • enter the features of the room where it is located

The SANA exclusive process


The device draws in room air at a speed of 300m3/h along with all suspended particles, pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and allergens.


The air then passes along the 4 UV-C lamps, disinfection occurs through irradiance, destroying bacteria, fungi, and viruses.


The air then passes through an activated carbon filter (polyurethane filter with 50% activated carbon 20PPI - Filtration Standard EN799-2012 / G1) that blocks micro particles before being re-emitted into the room.

Over 99% efficiency

Demonstrated effectiveness. Many entities discuss the percentage of particles filtered, but the real proof lies in the elimination of viruses. That’s why the company Airdp commissioned an independent laboratory specialized in measuring the effectiveness of treatments against viruses: VirexpR.

  • Effective at 99.60% against Bronchiolitis
  • Effective at 99.65% against Influenza H1N1
  • Effective at 99.89% against COVID-19 and all variants

VirexpR (SAS) is a spin-off from the academic research laboratory VirPath and its technological research platform VirNext (Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, EZUS Lyon) in the field of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Based on over 10 years of experience in virology applied to the management of microbiological contaminations, particularly in the experimental evaluation of air treatment technologies and respiratory protection devices.

A healthy air, well-being initiative: your CSR journey with SANA

A healthy air, well-being initiative: your CSR trajectory with SANA/Responsible companies integrate air purifiers for a healthy and environmentally friendly environment.

  • Air Quality: SANA eliminates viruses, allergens, pollutants, and fine particles, promoting a healthier work environment. Benefits: Employees in better health, increased productivity, enhanced image of a committed employer.
  • Reduction of Health Risks: High-quality air reduces the risks of illnesses, decreasing healthcare costs for employees. Benefits: Healthy workforce, sustainable productivity.
  • Compliance with Standards: Investing in purification and disinfection technologies demonstrates commitment to compliance with health and safety standards at work. Benefits: Strengthening stakeholder trust.

For whom?

They talk about us

Lexus Mercedes

With SANA, we offer a real breath of clean and healthy air. My clients appreciate it and so do my colleagues.

Showroom Mercedes / Lexus

Comité de direction Crédit Agricole

We can finally let go of the masks, we breathe better and it shows. First resolution: to install SANAs in all the offices!

Crédit Agricole Executive Committee

Bar à vin

Friendliness, reunions... an air of 'security' without constraints. We owe that much to our clients and our teams.

Bar restaurant, Val Thorens

Salle de sport

With SANA and its smartphone app, we keep control over the air quality in real-time. This is essential in a gym. The best equipment at every level!

Epikur Corporate Sports, Paris

Cowork Berlin

We share the space, but not the germs! Danke SANA

Cowork Berlin

Cabinet d'avocat

SANA provides us with a healthy and serene work environment.

Law Firm, Biarritz


SANA ensures a disinfected and pure atmosphere in waiting rooms and during consultations. Easy control via the smartphone app.

Orthodontist, Lille

Salle de sport

Our clients are demanding. They immediately 'felt' the difference. No more odors, the air is pure and healthy. Here, we like to do good for our bodies. SANA is our perfect ally.

Gym, Paris